Friday, 15 June 2012

Deco tips: import the American dream home!

The American flag in all its states to set the tone
Nothing better than to adopt the flag of the United States at home to act as if there really was. Reason flagship of many signs of decoration, the American flag is available today on a variety of decorative objects. On the curtains and cushions, dishes or knickknacks, and various works of art, gives the flag the stars right away the tone and takes us to America. Size, it can be hung on the wall, placed on the table in the dining room as a tablecloth or table runner, or installed on a couch to give him the look.
The dominant colors in decoration, American
The color code of the American style is based on the colors of its national flag. The blue and red primary plus the pristine white are the three basic colors for a decorative 100% imported from the United States. We will use them without restraint for decorative accessories and convenient for textiles including linens and upholstery fabric, but also for furniture. Here, solid colors are effective, but it is highly recommended to play with the stars and stripes, always remember the famous flag. Otherwise, the market is full of furniture and even appliances that meet the color code, enough to play the card all the way.
Accessories from leading U.S.
The decoration in the U.S. use fetish objects that consistently possess and will optimize the success of its New York scenery. These shots are none other than the famous Statue of Liberty which can be divided into trinket, the yellow mailbox and his little red flag that rises or sets depending on whether or not to have recovered his mail, or the chair 80 years straight out of fast food. Moreover, the pop art style (often symbolized by the effigy portraits of Marilyn Monroe) and flashy colors are also very effective to taste the American dream without traveling.

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