Saturday, 8 January 2011

Cut versus color

The diamond cutter must choose the most suitable size according the shape of the rough. With this intention, it must not only take elements such as the beauty, but also the "Yield", it ranges in general between 40 and 60%, normally we loss approximately 50% of the rough. For the fancy shapes the  rough stones loss is less; one can recover up to 80% for example for the emerald shape. These choice are  difficult, because a diamond with a excellent grade of the quality cut or very good will be worth expensive than a bigger diamond with a medim or fair quality of cut.The diamond cutter must choose the most suitable size according the shape of the rough. With this intention, it must not only take elements such as the beauty, but also the "Yield", it ranges in general between 40 and 60%, normally we loss approximately 50% of the rough. For the fancy shapes the  rough stones loss is less; one can recover up to 80% for example for the emerald shape. These choice are  difficult, because a diamond with a excellent grade of the quality cut or very good will be worth expensive than a bigger diamond with a medim or fair quality of cut.

All these rules are applicable for colourless or near-colourless diamonds however they are big differences for coloured diamonds. One the markets the majority of coloured diamonds having a fancy shapes, for a simple reason of beauty of the colour. The fancy shapes having facets with larger proportions than the size round brillant. The fancy shapes with a larger table or different facet can abosrb different part of the visible light and give a beautiful and uniform color. In this fancy shapes, the beauty holds more with its form that and the brightness. The triangular form as well other forms are patented and comprise a precise number of facets.

All these rules are applicable for colourless or near-colourless diamonds however they are big differences for coloured diamonds. One the markets the majority of coloured diamonds having a fancy shapes, for a simple reason of beauty of the colour. The fancy shapes having facets with larger proportions than the size round brillant. The fancy shapes with a larger table or different facet can abosrb different part of the visible light and give a beautiful and uniform color. In this fancy shapes, the beauty holds more with its form that and the brightness. The triangular form as well other forms are patented and comprise a precise number of facets. 

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