Tuesday, 30 November 2010

How To Know If A Diamond Is Fake Or Real

Certified Diamond (Round, Very Good cut, 1.11 carats, F color, SI2 clarity)         A diamond is a girl's best friend! It is a beauty and unique nature makes it easy to admire. Diamond purchasing is a great task and an exciting pleasure. There are various types of diamonds so when buying real diamonds, one should learn about fake diamonds so that you will be able to distinguish between the fake vs. real diamond. Nowadays the best fake diamond is in great demand. Here are some of the simple solutions or the methods that will enable you to find out the difference between the fake vs. real diamond. The best way to know about the precious diamond is to acquire knowledge from a diamond professional. If possible take the diamond along with you to the shop and get all the details from the jeweler. The best fake diamond looks so similar to the real diamond that even a professional diamond jeweler may get confused and may have hard time to finding out whether it is a fake or the real diamond. In case you are not satisfied with the views regarding the real diamond from the professional, here is a way to find out which is a real diamond and which is a fake diamond.

The first method is to check the diamond with the help of diamond tester as it will help you to differentiate between real diamond and best fake diamond. It is an electronic tester that can check all the diamonds except the moissanite stone for which the diamond tester is not reliable. The best fake diamond is the cubic zirconia and the weight of this diamond is around 50% more than a real diamond of the same size and shape. This weighing test also can find out the difference between fake vs. real diamond.

Another method for checking the best fake diamond is the transparency test in which the diamond is placed up side down on the news paper and if the written matter from the newspaper is legible then be sure that the diamond is not the real one and it can be a best fake diamond. One of the disadvantages of this method is that some of the stones may appear to be a real diamond due its fine cutting. In this case, one needs to be sure about the cuttingmethods of the stones. This method is very common and enables you to find the real diamond from the best fake diamond.

The third method that helps you to differentiate between fake vs. real diamond is the fog test. Hold the stone or the diamond and blow some air from your mouth on to the stone, if the fog appears on the stone and stays there for next few seconds then it shows that the stone is a best fake diamond because in case of a real diamond, the heat disappears instantly. The oily layers and dirt on the stone might create some problems to differentiate fake vs. real diamond. Thus, before carrying out a test for best fake diamond, clean its surface properly.

The ultra violet test is another method that will enable you to find out the real diamond from the best fake diamond. The real diamond projects blue color light if put under the ultra violet light or the black color. There are two options, if the blue light does not appear, it can be best fake diamond or can be a high quality diamond.

All of the above tests can satisfy all the test conditions to differentiate between a best fake diamond and the real diamond.

Monday, 29 November 2010

new selection dimaond

diamond number one

Blue Diamond

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blue diamond jpg The Blue Diamond The blue diamond gets its color from the boron in its composition They are mined in Australia and South Africa and along with the red diamond are the most rare and valuable of the colored
blue diamond 48 jpg
blue diamond 48 jpg OK so this isn t really anything in depth nor is it probably surprising but for alchemists I find specially at the minute with all the socketed T7 and T7 5 gear that we re officially
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Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Stellar Sapphire

The most expensive Sapphire is a very rare Stellar Sapphire. 
There is a legend about its appearance on the Earth. Once upon a time when on Ceylon there were impassable tropical forests with blossoming acacias, baobabs and evergreen coconuStar of India. Stellar Sapphiret palm trees, there lived a young man by name Dzhampal. He was so handsome, that women and girls were afraid to look at him. Dzhampal was a hunter. For hunting, his fellows took with them bows and arrows with the tips poisoned by snake poison, but Dzhampal was content with a boomerang. One day he decided to spend the night in the forest. But he could not sleep because a small asterisk twinkled over his head. The asterisk was so beautiful that Dzhampal fell in love with it. Now every evening he came to the same place and admired the asterisk. When at dawn the sky beGordon star sapphirecame dark blue the asterisk descended so low, that almost touched Dzhampal’s curly hair, and the young man whispered: 
“Listen, a pre-dawn asterisk, be my guiding star”. 
But the asterisk answered nothing and disappeared in a fog... The next evening Dzhampal came back to and discovered His lovely asterisk shining at him. Suddenly a black goat with a white spot on a forehead jumped out from a bush. The hunter threw the boomerang at him, but the goat turned his head and uttered a blaring roar. A whirlwind came off its spiral horns. It picked up a boomerang and begun to whirl it in air, lifting it higher and higher. High up in the sky, the boomerang struck a dark blue dome and chopped off a part of it together with the asterisk. When the piece of dome fell on the ground, it has been broken up into smithereens. One of the splinters fell toward Dzhampal ‘s legs. The young man picked it up. In a splinter of the dome which turned into Sapphire, his majestic asterisk was shining with a bright light.
That was a stellar sapphire.

About Ruby

Ruby is a sanguine transparent Corundum. Its native brother is Sapphire. BRubyest Rubies were mined in India, on Ceylon, and also in Burma and Thailand (Siam). Some Eastern nations call it “Lal". In Persia, Turkey and in other east countries “Lal” is also the name of Almandine, Garnet and other red and pink stones. Both in its hardness and in its value, Ruby is second only to Diamond. In the East people said “Ruby gives to its wearer force of a lion, fearlessness of an eagle and wisdom of a snake. It gives charms of love and passion. Ruby should not be shown to children and buffalos: the child may be frightened by its fiery colRosseror and the buffalo will get madly furious“. 
There are many legends about Ruby. One Burmese legend tells about a beautiful and strong eagle Lal that lived high in mountains. Not only birds, but even chamoises and pronghorns avoided him. The “night robber” - fearful eagle-owl sat out in a hollow of old tree while the eagle flied above mountains. The years passed by and the eagle’s plumage started to turn grey. He still flew high above the mountains, though not twenty circles anymore, but only ten. Every year Lal reduced radius of his flights. And one day, he spread his wide wings, but could not come off the ground. Lal understood then, that his life approaches it's end. Now he could not catch up with a chamois or a roe anymore and could only devastate the bird's nests. Once, coming back in his cave, Lal saw an eagle-owl sitting without stirring when the eagle has flown by above him. The eagle-owl approached Lal and told him: 
"Listen, fellow, let’s talk as equals. You are too old now to earn your living. I agree to share with you the mice and shrews, just do not touch my nestlings". Lal answered nothing . The eagle-owl left but Lal was still sitting and thinking. 
"There is time to be born and there is time to die" – decided Lal. 
Gathering his remaining strength, Lal flew high up in the sky and there he has folded his wings. All the birds and animals saw him falling down, illuminated by the first rays of the rising sun, until his body struck the rocks below. The drops of eagle’s blood then turned into bright-red transparent stones. 
That's how the noble sanguine Burmese Rubies were born.

Indigo Diamond

The legenHoped about the first indigo diamond is connected with a name of the Portuguese seafarer Vasco da Gama, the first person to sail directly from Europe to India. On his way back from India, walking on the deck, he admired his White Diamond mounted in a heavy gold ring he bought recently. The ship cook passed by, slipped and accidentally pushed the captain.  The ring slid off the finger, rolled on the deck and fell in the ocean. Four years later, during his second travel to India, Vasco da Gama was passing with his caravels by the same waters where the ring has been lost. While the captain remembered with sadness his lost ring, in the cockpit the ship cook suddenly could not believe his eyes: in the opened belly of the golden mackerel caught by the sailors, he discovered the lost ring! Only the color of the diamond has changed. It became indigo - dark blue, as gulf of Guinea during dead calm before the storm.

Green Diamond

As the legend says, Green Diamond became known for the first time in small town of Chartres in France. Here in Cartesian monDresden green diamondastery French monks prepared a Chartreuse liquor.  One of the monks, a taster, had a simple silver ring with small diamond. He tasted liquor by filling up the thimble but pretty soon he became drunk. So he decided to drip green liquor on the diamond and then lick it off. Having woken up next morning, the monk has looked at the diamond and has suddenly seen that it shines with bright green fire. The monk tried to wash it clean in sacred water, heated it on the candle, but nothing helped. Diamond has remained green forever.

Red Diamond

The first Bright Red Diamond belonged to Aurangzeb. 
Aurangzeb was remarkably pious and zealous. He was the ruler of the Mughal Empire from 16Moussaieff Red Diamond58 until 1707. In 1657 Shah Jahan - then the ruler of Mughal Empire - got very ill. Immediately a terrible struggle for the throne has begun between his four sons. Guileful Aurangzeb together with his younger brother Murad defeated two other brothers and executed them. The two winners then started to quarrel over two famous Diamonds, that in future will be called "Orlov" and "Shah". Aurangzeb suggested Murad to become the governor of Punjab , Afghanistan and Kashmir, instead of having these jewels, but Murad refused and began to plot a palace coup. Having leKazanjian red diamondarned about it, Aurangzeb ordered to seize the brother and to execute him.  Aurangzeb, at last, had the power and the crown of his dethroned father all to himself. He made an inventory of Shah’s riches, but could not find a 10-carat blue diamond. He sent for Shah Jahan and demanded an explanation. Shah answered, that the Diamond belongs to him, as it is his battle trophy, and Aurangzeb will never see it. Enraged Aurangzeb threw his father in prison and let him die there. As soon as the old Shah died, the chief of prison guards has brought the ring with blue Diamond to the new ruler. Aurangzeb impatiently grabbed the stone. But as he touched it, the Diamond immediately started to sparkle as a blood-red fire.

Blue Diamond 2011

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